Tôkyô no koibito 1952

Comedy Drama

Following the Second World War, the lives of various people in a poverty-stricken area of Tokyo are entertwined. Pachinko parlor girls, shoeshine boys, a maker of costume jewelry, and a streetcorner artist all struggle to make the...

Todos los títulos
  • JP: Tôkyô no koibito Tôkyô no koibito
  • AU: Tokyo Sweetheart Tokyo Sweetheart
  • CA: Tokyo Sweetheart Tokyo Sweetheart
  • JP: 東京の恋人 東京の恋人
  • NZ: Tokyo Sweetheart Tokyo Sweetheart
  • PL: Ukochana z Tokio Ukochana z Tokio
  • ZA: Tokyo Sweetheart Tokyo Sweetheart
  • US: Tokyo Sweetheart Tokyo Sweetheart
Fecha de lanzamiento 15 Jul 1952
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